New Hotkeys!

New hotkeys!
As of today, you’ll find some smart, new hotkeys in the game! This means you’ll only have to press a button on your keyboard to dismount your horse, for instance. Here’s the list of all the new hotkeys!

X = Dismount your horse (after your horse has come to a stop).
F1 = Hide the interface.
G = Open the Club window.
ESC = Close all open windows; open Options menu.
P = Let your pet down on the ground/put your pet back into the saddle bag.
CTRL = Crouch

Other Hotkeys in the game:
SHIFT = Hover your mouse over an item you want to buy and it will compare it to the item you are currently wearing
I = Inventory
L = Quest log
C = Character sheet
M = Map
F = Friends list
Enter (on the number pad) = Chat
Your horse will still rear if you walk it forward/backward and hit X while it is moving.

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